Coding Bihar

Snake Game App in Jetpack Compose

Snake Game  App in Jetpack Compose - Coding Bihar
Snake Game  App in Jetpack Compose

This code implements a basic Snake game using Jetpack Compose, featuring navigation between screens, real-time game updates, and a simple user interface for gameplay. It handles game logic, rendering, and user input effectively within the Composable functions provided by Jetpack Compose.

Sets up the navigation for the app using NavHost.


Three screens: Start, Game, and Result.

StartScreenSnake: Displays the welcome screen with a logo and a button to start the game.
SnakeGameScreen: Contains the game logic, the snake, and the controls.
ResultScreen: Displays the game over message and score, with options to play again or exit.

1. Navigation Setup

This sets up a navigation graph where StartScreenSnake is the initial screen, SnakeGameScreen is where the game is played, and ResultScreen displays the score after the game ends.

2. Start Screen (StartScreenSnake)

Displays an image, a welcome message, and a button to navigate to the Snake game screen.

3. Game Screen (SnakeGameScreen)

Manages the game state, including the snake's position, food position, score, and game over status.
Uses a LaunchedEffect coroutine to update the snake's position continuously while the game is running.
Calls helper functions to move the snake and check for collisions.
The snake moves every 200 milliseconds, and it checks for collisions to determine if the game is over.

4. Input Handling (SnakeGameInput)

Provides directional buttons (Up, Down, Left, Right) to control the snake.
Contains a pause/play toggle button.

5. Drawing the Game (SnakeGameGrid)

Renders the snake and the food using a Canvas composable.
The snake is drawn with different styles for the head and body.
Each function draws its respective part using the DrawScope methods, such as drawArc and drawCircle.

6. Collision Detection and Game Logic

Functions handle the movement of the snake, growth when eating food, and checking for collisions with walls or itself.

7. Result Screen (ResultScreen)

Displays the final score and allows the player to either restart the game or exit the app.


Copy this code →

package com.codingbihar.jrtpackcomposeskill

import ...

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setContent {
            ComposePracticeTheme {
Snake Game App

Snake Game App

This code implements a basic Snake game using Jetpack Compose, featuring navigation between screens, real-time game updates, and a simple user interface for gameplay. It handles game logic, rendering, and user input effectively within the Composable functions provided by Jetpack Compose.

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 Sandeep Gupta

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